include '.' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; ?> include '.' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Include' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; ?> Pregnancy Week to Week is the one source you will need to learn about every stage of pregnancy, as well as other pregnancy and child bearing, and caring topics. We are always adding new articles and would love to hear about ideas you may have regarding the next one we should cover. $result = mysql_query("SELECT strArticleName, strArticleContent, strArticleUrl FROM articles WHERE enumType = 'week'"); if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { echo '
' . getShortText($item[strArticleContent], 300) . '
'; echo '» More about ' . $item[strArticleName] . ''; if((int) $total / $i == 2) echo '